A few months ago, I wrote about the challenges of finding a good bra for my post unilateral mastectomy, reconstructed body. One breast needs a lot of support; the other needs none. I couldn't find a bra that made me look reasonably symmetrical and felt comfortable too.
Malia Mills (
http://www.maliamills.com/) makes amazing bathing suits that do the trick. I bought a tankini, and I bought one of her bikini tops to wear as a bra. The tankini and bikini are both super comfortable, and my body looks symmetrical. But, the bikini top isn't seamless. So while the Malia Mills bikini tops are amazing bathing suits, they're not always perfect as bras.
For yoga and sport tanks and bras I have always loved lululemon athletica (
http://shop.lululemon.com/). They make the most supportive and comfortable tops. Most of their tanks and bras have mesh liners with pockets for removable cups. My favorites are the "Light Up Tank" and the "Ta-Ta Tamer." But, I can't wear yoga tanks and sports bras everyday (or can I?).
I wanted to work with a bra manufacturer to design the perfect bra for women like me--the "Bar-bra," I would to call it. But, here's the thing--the "Bar-bra" already exists.
It's name isn't Bar-bra. It's "Lara."
I didn't look for bras in the boutique at the Evelyn Lauder Breast Center at Sloan Kettering. Because, well, the boutique screams BREAST CANCER. There's pink everywhere. Every and any item that could possibly have a pink ribbon does--hats, bracelets, scarves, pens, books. You name it; it has a pink ribbon or pink something on it.
Maybe I didn't go to the "pink boutique" because I just wanted to be like the old me and bra shop in places the old me would have shopped. But, this body is not my old body. This body had cancer and has been reconstructed and radiated. This body is asymmetrical and some days still stiff and sore. And, this body needs a little more help than the ladies and the bras at Nordstrom can give.
After my last appointment with my breast surgeon I broke down and went into the "pink boutique." And, the professionally certified bra fitter (that's her title, and she deserves it) introduced me to "Lara." "Lara" (
http://www.amoena.com/us/Products/Lingerie/Feel/Lara.htm) is the best bra I have found in my year long search for an attractive, comfortable bra for my unilaterally reconstructed body.
"Lara" is sold online and at the Evelyn Lauder Breast Center at MSKCC.
And, I love "Lara." (Although, I still think "Bar-bra is a better name).
"Lara" by Amoena |
Looking good. Healing good. Feeling good.
I'm not a spokeswoman for Malia Mills or lululemon or Amoena. I love their products and want to share them.
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Breast cancer alone can be terrifying, but the breast cancer community is empowering.