Saturday, June 4, 2011

Pet Scan

We have a dog, a small white dog, named Sophie.  She's 15 years old.  Jay and I joke that she is our first (and most hairy) child. 

She an old girl.  She sleeps most of the day, and she can't hear very well.  And, she has cataracts.

So she doesn't bark at the mailman.  She's not afraid of fireworks.  She can't hear any of it.  But, she does still beg for treats, likes have her ears scratched and naps on the couch no matter who else might be sitting in "her" spot.

Elizabeth and Andrew have always peacefully coexisted with Sophie.  She's more like a cat than dog.  She's very independent, and she likes to have her own space.  She's not very interested in them, and they aren't very interested in her.  For the most part, Sophie does her own thing. 

But, last year Elizabeth became a little more attached to Sophie in that "we all have to stick together" way.  Sophie started to nuzzle Elizabeth to have her ears scratched, and Elizabeth enjoyed being Sophie's "go to" person. 

I spent a lot of time on the couch watching the "Real Housewives" of anywhere last year.  Sophie would lay on the couch with me, and I would l think, "Old girl, don't die this year--just give us one more year."

And, she did. Sophie (and I) made it through last year.

A few weeks ago Sophie got sick.  She had a stomach problem, some bleeding, and no eating.  And, I though, "This is it.  She held up her end of the deal and made it through last year. And this is it."

It turned out the stomach and bleeding were easily treated with a visit to the vet and antibiotics.

So Sophie is fine.  But still 15 years old.  Our vet says that her heart and lungs sound good.  But, I wonder, for how much longer?

After a year of putting the blinders on, being strong, fighting cancer and talking about not dying, I am realizing that I'm not in control of protecting my kids from anyone or anything dying.  Oh dear.

Sophie, old girl, just give us one more year.

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