Friday, January 7, 2011

Good Morning, Starshine

Monday, December 20, 2010 10:25 PM, EST

I went for my BRCA1/BRCA2 (breast cancer) genetic screening at Sloan Kettering today.  It was a lot of genetic counseling and a blood test.  I met with a genetics counselor, and a technician took three vials of blood.  They send my sample to a lab in Utah.  And, I'll have the results in two weeks.  I'll meet with the genetics counselor again, and then I'll know if my cancer was BRCA related or "sporadic." 

All the samples go to Utah unless you're an Ashkenazi Jew--then the samples are tested in New York.  "To where, Borough Park?" I asked the doctor.  Back when I was looking for a wig, all of the women at the wig places in Borough Park, Brooklyn told me they were the "Wig Capital of the World."  I wondered if they were the genetic testing capital of the world for Ashkenazi Jews too.  "No, those samples are just sent to the upper east side," the doctor said, laughing. 

There is a very low probability that I carry the BRCA1/2 gene.  But, because I had breast cancer before menopause, and because I have E., it makes sense to test.  Due diligence.  Another test.  Another set of results to wait for. 

After the genetic counseling and the testing, I walked my usual walk from Sloan Kettering back to Grand Central--first down Third Avenue and then cutting over to Lexington.  I didn't feel very cold at first, but with the wind I was freezing.  The wind chill factor. 

And then waiting at a windy corner for the light to change, I realized for the first time since April 10th, I could feel my own hair blowing in the wind.  

And, I smiled.  It's been awhile.

moving forward,
with love and gratitude,

And, for the record, the song in my head as I walked the rest of the way to Grand Central was "Good Morning Starshine" from, you guessed it . . . Hair.

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